XPath Locator using (contains), text property of element and finding xpath for child at any level of parent.

using 'contains' in xpath
Lets try to find xpath locator of new button in above shown picture. 'New' button has attribut 'id' with value 'menubutton19'. Now '19' seems to be number which may change. So lets take substring of value and use 'menubutton'  ie substring of complete value. The xpath of above element can be created by using the contains keyword
which has the syntax  contains(@attribute,'value') 
and xpath becomes //tagname[contains(@attribute,'value') ]
which is   //button[contains(@id,'menubutton')

Now this is not unique.
Locating child element at any level(//) and using text property of element in xpath
There is one element 'span' located inside the 'button' element which has 'text' property 'New'. We can use this text property to uniquely find the element.  Here we will use (//) in xpath to tell xpath locator that element is anywhere within the parent. Otherwise if we use (/), it denotes that element is immediately below the parent.
so the xpath becomes:
Note: text property has to be suffixed with ()
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